
Winter Rabbit

Created by Absurdist Productions

A semi-cooperative game set in the world of Cherokee animal stories.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Cost Issues
3 days ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:17:20 AM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have been altered to an issue some people are having where evne when they enter their address its not updating their shipping price. We discuvered that somehow the tbale for North Carolina got dropped, we have corrected that and done a scrub of the other shipping tables.

Everything looks good to us at the moment, but please let us know if you run into any issues. 

Absurdist Productions

Surveys are on their way
3 days ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 06:48:24 AM

This week, we have a small but important update for everyone. First, we have approved the Digital Proofs and sent the initial payment, so Longpack will print the Digital Samples next week and mail them to us. Hopefully, we will show those off in a few weeks.


Next, a few folks received their surveys from BackerKit yesterday as part of our test run. Since they are looking good, all surveys will be sent out today. So, a few things to keep in mind about those:

  • Watch your inbox and check your Spam folder. If you haven't received your survey by the end of the week, you can attempt to have it resent via BackerKit's lost survey page located here: 
  • If that still doesn't work for you please contact us, and we can resend it.
  • When you first access the survey, it defaults to "All other" for the address and will show a very high shipping cost. That will adjust as soon as you enter your address.
  • To keep on schedule, we need all surveys completed by 15 Dec., but the sooner you complete the survey, the better.

Absurdist Productions

October Update - Cherokee Rule Book and Donations!
12 days ago – Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 11:10:33 AM

This update has a lot of ground to cover, so let's get started.

We have finalized all the files for Winter Rabbit and the Churrascaria reprint. They are with our manufacturer for final review before printing the digital test copy. We did realize that Chinese New Year is happening in January this year, which will cause a minor delay since we were hoping to start shipping in mid-January, and now shipping will likely happen in mid-February. So, assuming there are no issues with the files or the print sample, the rough timeline at this point looks something like this:

Receive and approve digital proofs – Oct 20th
Digital Samples are printed and shipped – Nov 15th
Digital Samples are approved – Nov 20th
Mass Production – Nov 25th
Freight from China to fulfillment hubs – Feb 15th

We are on track to deliver sometime around late April. However, it might slip into early May. We will keep you posted as things progress. We are crossing our fingers that we will be able to show you the production samples next month and, more importantly, have them to show off in person at PAX Unplugged in December.

Cherokee Rulebook

First, we finished the Cherokee version of the rulebook and wanted to share that with everyone. We are excited to see this done; it was a lot of work for our translator GW. As with translating any language, the grammar and how things are conceptualized differ between English and Cherokee. So rather than just being able to go word for word, they had to reword things so they made sense, and we had to make some formatting changes to make sure everything still fit and looked good.

As we said in the campaign, every copy of Winter Rabbit will come with this rule book and a second set of the Village and Story cards. The player boards are dual-sided with English and Cherokee. So, the game will be playable 100% in Cherokee for those who speak the language or are trying to learn it.

Donation Survey

This brings us to topic number 2, we collected enough funds to donate over 100 copies of the game. The form for organizations requesting donated Winter Rabbit copies is now available. We will prioritize Indigenous organizations first. The donated funds will cover the copies of the game plus the shipping to requesting organizations.

These copies will ship out around the same time as backer copies are shipped, or shortly thereafter.

Absurdist Productions

Bag Updates!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 07:31:32 AM

Welcome to the first of our post-campaign updates. We have two things to reveal to you this week, both related to the bags in the game.

Thanks to late backers, we have gotten past that $70,000 mark and unlocked that final stretch goal. So, we can add three additional cloth bags to the game to store all the wooden tokens. These will be plain cloth bags in two sizes. A larger one for all the resource tokens, and two smaller ones for the score, storehouse, and other assorted tokens.

We are also revealing the color for the graphic on the Villager bag, as chosen by all of you via the poll we've been running for the last two weeks. Choice E won by a landslide, meaning you all have this beauty to look forward to and store all the Villager and Rabbit Tokens in.

Outside of that news, Longpack (our manufacturer) is doing preproduction and sent us some feedback, so we are adjusting our files and working on completing the pledge manager setup. We will update you all on that as soon as it's ready. Currently, things are moving along relatively smoothly, but of course, a lot can happen in the next few months, so we will continue to keep you posted.

Absurdist Productions

That's a wrap!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 06:27:51 AM

The Winter Rabbit Kickstarter campaign has officially ended. We asked for $20,000, and through the amazing support of 1112 backers, we have ended with $69,243. That is 345% of our goal. Kickstarter does allow Late Backing now, so if you know someone who missed out, there is still time for them to become part of things.

With that number, we have unlocked 12 stretch goals. We upgraded the quality of the box, the cards, and the rulebook. We also upgraded all the cardboard tokens to painted wood. With all the art on those tokens being heat transferred for durability. We added a few additional cards and unique tokens to the game, and we added art to the Villager Token bag.

What about the Bags?

Unfortunately, we did not quite manage to unlock the final stretch goal, but we got so close that we are going to keep an eye on the late backers, and if we can get enough, we might still be able to make those cloth storage bags, happen. We will keep you all posted on that.

So what happens next? 

Over the next week or so, Kickstarter will start charging everyone based on their pledged amount. If, for some reason, an issue comes up with your payment method, Kickstarter will try again and should email you about any issues. Once Kickstarter collects all the payments it can, it transfers the money to us. That will happen in roughly two weeks.

Meanwhile, we will import backer data into the pledge manager (Backerkit) to set up the backer surveys to get your shipping addresses and shipping charges. European backers will be charged for VAT at that time as well. You can expect the backer surveys to come out around late October/early November. We will send another update at that time and encourage everyone to complete them as quickly as possible once they become available.

Future Updates

You can expect at least one update from us for the next 2-3 weeks as Kickstarter collects payment. After that, we will drop it down to about once a month to update you on the progress of manufacturing and shipping.

Once again, we want to thank each and every one of you for backing the game and helping us make this happen.

Absurdist Productions